It is spring time, but you may have noticed that the weather this spring sucks! Last weekend was 45 degrees and raining. This week it didn’t start any different: 50 degrees! It may as well be fall!
Needless to say, I am not thrilled with this whole weather situation, all that I feel like wearing are bright tank tops and comfortable spring dresses. However, the way that the weather has been lately, if you live in the Midwest or Northeast of the United States, not only should dresses be part of your wardrobe, but also a very practical and stylish rain or trench coat, both ready to protect you from the spring showers in style 😉
Here is an outfit I wore while taking a tour at the beautiful and historical Fisher Building in Detroit, during a very rainy and chilly weekend here in Michigan.
What about you? What did you do last weekend?
É primavera, e tudo o que nos passa pela cabeça para o nosso guarda-roupa são tops, vestidos fresquinhos, confortáveis e coloridos… … Errado! Do jeito que a tempo anda maluco ultimamente, não só de vestidos deve viver o nosso guarda-roupa nesta primavera, mas também deve conter uma bela capa de chuva ou um trench coat o que são sempre muito práticos, estilosos e elegantes.
Aqui um look em que usei durante um tour que fiz no belo e histórico edifÃcio Fisher em Detroit, durante um fim de semana muito chuvoso aqui em Michigan.